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2025 Academy Videos
Week starting 26th Jan
cone grab 1 step layup (0:38)
cone grab 2 step across key (0:34)
euro step (0:45)
Pro Hop (1:04)
Shooting - 1,2 through (1:20)
Wrap shooting (2) (0:35)
SS and lifts (1:18)
L shooting (0:37)
Bound and go (1:21)
Bound and cross (0:55)
Bound into jumpshot (0:58)
Bound with riplight (0:58)
Bound 1v1 (1:12)
Week starting February 3rd
One hand flow (0:42)
Spin out shooting (0:48)
Away screen shooting (1:11)
Away screen in and out (1:59)
Away screen taking more space (0:59)
Pocket series - 1, 2 (0:39)
Pocket series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
Pocket series - 1, 2 Behind (0:37)
Pocket series - 1, 2 Pocket Thru (0:41)
downhill in and out (1:07)
Alley drill into live 1 on 1 (2:02)
Week starting February 10th
2 Step Explosions (4:26)
2 Step Explosions (creative drill) (1:35)
Shooting - Scoops (0:55)
Shooting - Contested Triangle Shooting (1:00)
Speed stop - shot (1:04)
Speed stop - pause & go (0:36)
Speed stop - push cross (0:32)
Riplight reads - speed stops (1:28)
1v1 Downhill (0:08)
Week starting February 17th
Competitive Ball Handling (1:50)
Shooting - Drop, step in (0:29)
Shooting -Drop, 1 dribble (1:20)
Competitive drop shooting (0:57)
Baseline drives - Hop step (0:34)
Baseline drive - Hop step, shot fake (0:32)
Baseline drives - Spin (1:06)
Basleine drives - Swingstep (1:06)
Baseline drives - Euro step (1:00)
Baseline drives - Step back (1:11)
Baseline drives- Cross step (0:56)
Baseline 1v1 (0:43)
Week starting February 24th
Follow the leader (1:27)
1-2-off-on, through (0:38)
Backtrack, catch and shoot (1:02)
Flow shooting - partner slides (0:58)
Side-step (0:41)
Side-step + shot fake (0:31)
Competitive box shooting (1:03)
Turned stance pivots - go (1:01)
Turned stance pivots - cross-step (0:31)
Turned stance pivots - throwdown (0:36)
Turned stance pivots - shimmy (0:40)
Turned stance pivots - shot (0:22)
Turned stance pivots - riplight (0:34)
Turned stance 1v1 (0:50)
Week starting March 4th
Wide ball handling using mats (0:42)
Shooting - Drop, step in (0:29)
Split between into step in (1:06)
Closeout shooting from a split stance (0:43)
Contested pullups off a pass (1:31)
Live 1 on 1 off wing denial (1:17)
Week starting March 10th
Cone slides ball handling - Drop (1:01)
Cone slides ball handling - BTL (1:17)
Cone slides ball handling - Double move (1:04)
Cone slides ball handling - Drop + exchange (1:23)
Cone slides ball handling - Double move + exchange (0:50)
Shooting - 2 cones, 1v1 (0:46)
Shooting - Riplight pivots (1:36)
Shooting 2 cones, Riplight 1v1 (1:42)
Moves under defensive pressure - Drop + go (0:52)
Moves under defensive pressure - Drop + med ball toss (1:45)
Moves under defensive pressure - Drop + crossover (1:35)
Moves under defensive pressure - Riplight + crossover (1:18)
Moves under defensive pressure - Heavy step + go (1:33)
Moves under defensive pressure - Heavy step + tennis ball toss (1:11)
Moves under defensive pressure - Heavy step + load step + BTL (1:22)
Moves under defensive pressure - Riplight + heavy step + load step (1:18)
Live 1v1 - Drop (2:01)
Live 1v1 - Heavy step (1:38)
Backtrack, catch and shoot
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