Example Image with Text
Use this Image with Text block to balance out your text content with a complementary visual to strengthen messaging and help your students connect with your product, course, or coaching. You can introduce yourself with a profile picture and author bio, showcase a student testimonial with their smiling face, or highlight an experience with a screenshot.
Example Text
Use this Text block to tell your course or coaching’s story.
Write anything from one-liners to detailed paragraphs that tell your visitors more about what you’re selling.
This block - along with other blocks that contain text content - supports various text formatting such as header sizes, font styles, alignment, ordered and unordered lists, hyperlinks and colors.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Title
Use this block to showcase testimonials, features, categories, or more. Each column has its own individual text field. You can also leave the text blank to have it display nothing and just showcase an image.
Example Curriculum
- Academy plan - Fortnight beginning January 2nd
- Shooting - partner drops (0:45)
- Shooting - 1,2 step in (0:55)
- Shooting - partner pass reactions (0:45)
- Shooting - hops off backwards run (1:01)
- Wide stance BH - v + cross (0:40)
- Wide stance BH - BTL continuous (0:15)
- Wide stance BH - CTB continuous (0:15)
- Wide stance BH - BTL + jab (0:35)
- Wide stance BH - drop + thru + reset (0:33)
- Wide stance BH - drop + thru continuous (0:47)
- Slow BTL (0:55)
- Slow BTL + cross (0:40)
- Slow BTL + reset step + turn dribble (1:32)
- Slow BTL + reset step + turn dribble + BTL (1:43)
- Misdirection BTL (1:11)
- Finishing - spins (0:53)
- Finishing - spin + step through (1:13)
- Finishing - spin + step through + step around (0:39)
- Finishing - power stops (0:44)
- Slow BTL - 1 on 1 (1:15)
- Spin + reverse pivot (1:30)
- Spin + reverse pivot + hook shot (0:51)
- Spin + reverse pivot + step in (1:14)
- Spin + reverse pivot + step through (1:25)
- Spin + swing step (1:20)
- Spin + cross jab (0:55)
- Spin + cross jab - full demonstration (0:24)
- Spin + cross jab + euro step (1:35)
- Tennis balls - put together with the previous driving/finishing options (0:53)
- Shooting - roll ups (0:58)
- Shooting - quick drops (1:23)
- Collision catches + 1, 2, off through (0:46)
- Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:17)
- Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:17)
- Shooting - 1 position pull in with reverse pivot (1:03)
- Shooting - Partner reaction (0:36)
- Finishing - No dribble extended finishes (1:31)
- Finishing - 1 hand pick up (1:15)
- Finishing - 2 hand outside foot pick up, outside hand finish (0:53)
- Finishing - 2 hand outside foot pick up, inside hand finish (1:08)
- Finishing - 2 hand inside foot pick up, outside hand finish (delayed finish) (1:00)
- Finishing - 2 hand inside foot pick up, reverse finish (0:50)
- Ball Handlling - Turn dribble, partial step (2:20)
- Ball Handling - Continuous turn dribble and partial step with drags (0:56)
- Turn dribble, partial step, pull up (0:58)
- Turn dribble, partial step, drive (1:10)
- Turn dribble, partial step, crossover (0:50)
- Turn dribble, partial step, drag + foot switch (1:19)
- Turn dribble, partial step, lift + skip (1:04)
- Rip light reads (2:07)
- Turn dribble + partial step 1v1 (0:55)
- Academy plan - term 1 week 2 (2)
- Ball Handling - Shifting weight (2:29)
- Finishing - 2 steps with wide pick up (0:36)
- Finishing - 2 step high pick up (0:29)
- Finishing - 2 step low pick up (0:46)
- Finishing - euro step options (3:02)
- Finishing - swing step + high pick up (1:40)
- Finishing - swing step + low pick up (0:32)
- Finishing 2 step reads (1:06)
- Finishing - swing step read (1:00)
- Shooting - Roll up (0:37)
- Shooting - Drop (0:30)
- Shooting - Competitive box shooting (1:07)
- Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
- 1v1 defence off the hip (0:39)
- NL academy week 3 term 1 2024 plan
- Ball Handling - Shifting weight (2:29)
- V-dribble, cross (0:40)
- Continuous BTL (0:15)
- BTL, jab (0:35)
- Cross, through, behind (0:15)
- Drop, through, reset (0:33)
- Drop, through, continuous (0:47)
- Power finishes through contact (1:06)
- 1 step finish separating from contact (1:29)
- Partner contact drives (1:08)
- Bound into go (1:21)
- Bound, cross (0:55)
- Bound into jumpshot (0:58)
- Bound with Riplight read (0:58)
- Bound 1v1 (1:12)
- Academy Plan - Term 1 Week 5
- Ball manipulation - 1, 2, Pocket (0:17)
- Ball manipulation - 1, 2, Pocket, Thru (0:35)
- Ball manipulation - 1 2 BTB (0:30)
- Shooting - 1, 2, relax, thru (1:20)
- Shooting - guide hand slides (0:30)
- Box pushes into power finish (1:34)
- Power stop + step around (0:43)
- Power stop + forward pivot + step through (1:10)
- Cone slides + hip rotation BTL + 1 step layup (2:37)
- Drops & Split BTL + speed stops (1:02)
- Speed stop into drop and drive (0:28)
- Speed stop into drop and through (0:23)
- Speed stop into drop and jumpshot (0:24)
- Riplight reads - speed stops (1:28)
- 1v1 - Defender on hip (0:35)
- Academy plan - Term 1 week 6.docx (2)
- 1 on 1 tip (0:54)
- 1 on 1 ball protection (0:58)
- Shooting - 1,2 step ins (0:55)
- Shooting - Hops (1:03)
- Shooting - partner reactions (0:45)
- Retreat - Drop & go (coaching) (1:04)
- Retreat - Drop + BTL (1:28)
- Retreat - Combo + shot (0:46)
- Retreat - Rip light read (1:01)
- Retreat 1v1 (1:07)
- Academy plan - term 1 week 7
- Shooting - 1-2 ball drop game (0:56)
- Shooting - Hand down reaction (0:40)
- Active inside arm drives - 2 dribble, 1 step (1:09)
- 2 dribble, 1 step (coaching) (2:07)
- Active inside arm - Crossover + 1 dribble, 2 steps (0:41)
- 1 dribble, 2 steps (coaching) (2:14)
- Active inside arm - Read & react (0:39)
- Heavy step - Breakdown (1:33)
- Heavy step - Breakdown open stance (0:27)
- Heavy step - Breakdown split BTL (0:18)
- Heavy step - Go (0:34)
- Heavy step - Split BTL (1:09)
- Heavy step - Shot (0:40)
- 1v1 - Heavy step (1:23)
- Academy plan - term 1 week 8
- Bump finishes - split & through (0:30)
- Bump finishes - step & sweep (0:18)
- Bump finishes - push cross (0:35)
- Shooting - Wrap thru (0:31)
- Shooting - Competitive wrap thru (0:41)
- Cross step - go (0:32)
- Cross step - go (coaching) (1:46)
- Cross step - sweep (0:35)
- Cross step - sweep (coaching) (2:28)
- Cross step - spin (0:34)
- Triple threat defense - guard the lead foot (1:28)
- 1v1 - Cross step (0:54)
- NL plan Final Week Term 1 2024
- Shooting - Scoops (0:55)
- Shooting - Contested Triangle Shooting (1:00)
- Active inside arm drives - 2 dribble, 1 step (1:09)
- Active inside arm - Crossover + 1 dribble, 2 steps (0:41)
- Active inside arm - Read & react (0:39)
- Alley 1v1 (0:47)
- Block 1v1 (1:01)
- Cone 1v1 (1:17)
- Baseline 1v1 (0:50)
- Wing denied 1v1 (1:17)
- Academy Holiday Plan Week 1
- Maravich tap ups (0:58)
- Continous pockets with med ball pick up (1:44)
- Med ball switches - crossover (1:19)
- Med ball switch - V-dribble + crossover (1:01)
- Slam shooting - 1, 2, relax or off, through (1:06)
- Slam shooting - hop + foot replace (0:52)
- Slam shooting - inside, outside step in (0:58)
- Slam shooting - Step back (0:49)
- Dribble & motion step accountability (2:58)
- Motion steps out of crossover (1:48)
- Load step into push crossover (1:02)
- Alley 1v1 (0:47)
- Partner bumps (pick a line to fight over) (0:51)
- Slow ball handling under pressure (1:53)
- Med ball pick up + 1 step layup (0:23)
- Blocking stick reactions (coach trying to steal NOT player grabbing it) (0:39)
- Power finishes (0:44)
- Power stop + step through (1:10)
- Finishing extending away from contact (1:29)
- Med ball snatches (do the same in this video but with the medicine ball, 3 players per group) (0:44)
- Rip light ball handling (0:43)
- Bound + go (1:21)
- Bound + cross (0:55)
- Bound rip light read (0:58)
- Bounds live 1 on 1 (1:12)
- Step & sweep (footwork only, finish how they wish) (0:52)
- Side jab (footwork only, finish how they wish) (0:44)
- Live 1 on 1 off wing denial (1:17)
- Shooting - 1,2 Relax Thru (1:20)
- Shooting - quick drops (1:23)
- Shooting - 1,2 step in (0:55)
- Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:09)
- Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
- Box shooting - 1,2 step in (0:59)
- Box shooting - reverse pivot (1:02)
- Shot fake + step & sweep (0:42)
- Shot fake + throwdown (1:03)
- Front of the ring finish (do the finish only with the other shot fake options above) (0:49)
- Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Live 1 on 1 - shot fakes & closeouts (0:53)
- No Limits Basketball Academy Plan - May 6th
- Vitamins - Weak hand ball handling (0:57)
- Vitamins - Bumps (0:51)
- Vitamins - Box 1 step variation (1:27)
- Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
- Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup, inside hand (weak hand only) (1:09)
- Movement shooting - Handoff (curl V flare) (2:07)
- Movement shooting - Handoff 1v1 (1:25)
- Crossover bounds - under hand finish (1:49)
- Crossover bounds - swing step counter (1:20)
- Crossover bounds - crossover into under hand finish (0:24)
- Crossover bounds - crossover into swing step finish (0:48)
- Crossover bounds 1v1 (1:11)
- Academy Plan - Term 2 Week 5
- Vitamins - Weak hand ball handling (0:57)
- Vitamins - Bumps (0:51)
- Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup (weak hand only) (1:00)
- Vitamins - Box hit + 1 step layup, inside hand (weak hand only) (1:09)
- Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
- Shooting - 2 dribble + split BTL (0:34)
- Shooting - Competitive scoop shooting (0:26)
- Triple threat - Jab + go (0:39)
- Triple threat - Cross jab + sweep (0:36)
- Triple threat - Jab + crossover bound (0:41)
- Triple threat - Cross jab + crossover bound (0:16)
- Triple threat - Riplight read (0:50)
- Speed stop finish - Step-through (0:42)
- Speed stop finish - step around (0:34)
- Speed stop finish - Reverse pivot (spin) (0:16)
- 1v1 - Triple threat (0:39)
- One hand flow shooting (vitamins) (0:53)
- Rip light reactions (vitamins) (1:15)
- Chasing finishes (vitamins) (1:08)
- Med ball tosses - pound dribble (0:50)
- Med ball tosses - crossovers (0:26)
- Med ball tosses - between (0:17)
- Med ball tosses - behind (0:18)
- Cone stacks (1:01)
- Delayed drops (1:11)
- Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
- Shooting - partner drops (1:12)
- Cone 1v1 (1:17)
- Pocket series - 1,2 (0:39)
- Pockets series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
- Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
- 1,2 Pocket Thru (0:41)
- Fast vs Slow during sessions (0:32)
- Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Power finishes with contact (1:08)
- Power stop + step around (0:43)
- Power stop + step through (1:10)
- Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
- One hand flow shooting (vitamins) (0:53)
- Rip light reactions (vitamins) (1:15)
- Chasing finishes (vitamins) (1:08)
- Box rhythm ball handling (1:18)
- Rip light reactions - speed stops (1:16)
- Rip light reactions - hit on finish (0:53)
- Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
- Shooting - partner drops (1:12)
- Icing your defender (2:01)
- Pocket series - 1,2 (0:39)
- Pockets series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
- Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
- Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket Thru (0:41)
- Fast vs Slow during sessions (0:32)
- Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Power finishes with contact (1:08)
- Power stop + step around (0:43)
- Power stop + step through (1:10)
- Live 1 on 1 - Left hand only (1:13)
- Week starting June 3rd plan
- Vitamins - One hand flow shooting (0:53)
- Vitamins - Rip light reactions (1:15)
- Vitamins - Chasing finishes (1:08)
- Shooting - Box shooting (1:01)
- Shooting - Shot fake (1:27)
- Downhill - Hesitation (0:49)
- Downhill - In & out (0:25)
- Downhill - Push cross (0:32)
- Downhill - Hesitation or in & out into BTB (1:00)
- Downhill - Cross jab (0:23)
- Finishing - Spin (0:48)
- Finishing - Euro step (0:56)
- Finishing - Pinoy step (0:37)
- 1v1 Downhill (0:08)
- Vitamins - One hand flow shooting (0:53)
- Vitamins - Rip light reactions (1:15)
- Vitamins - Chasing finishes (1:08)
- Pass fake shooting (1:03)
- Back pedal partner shooting (0:50)
- Inverted skip + drop - footwork breakdown on the spot (1:26)
- Inverted skip + drop - cone hit & speed stop (0:51)
- Inverted skip + drop - one dribble to the ring (0:44)
- Inverted skip + drop - running into it (0:36)
- Inverted skip + drop + BTL (0:28)
- Inverted skip + drop - read (1:03)
- Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
- Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
- Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
- Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
- Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
- Cross jab - read (0:29)
- Competitive rip light reactions (0:39)
- Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (0:53)
- Shooting - One dribble pull up (0:52)
- Contact driving (0:56)
- Reaction finishes (0:53)
- Competitive finishing - 1 step, outside hand (0:39)
- Competitive finishing - bumps + opposite side (0:34)
- Live 1 on 1 - competitive shooting (0:55)
- Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Chasing finishes
- Finishing - 1 step outside hand (1:00)
- Finishing - 1 step inside hand (1:09)
- Finishing - Euro step (0:56)
- Finishing - Spin (0:48)
- Finishing - competitive bumps (0:34)
- Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
- Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
- Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
- Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
- Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
- Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
- Stutter step + Drop/BTL read (change player running in + stutter, layup, 2 lines with players giving reads) (1:04)
- Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
- Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
- Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
- Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
- Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
- Inside out (ignore finish) (1:15)
- Inside out + BTL (ignore finish) (1:24)
- Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
- Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
- Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
- Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (down screen) (0:53)
- Shooting - One dribble pull up (down screen) (0:52)
- Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
- Shooting - partner leans (2:28)
- Academy Plan July 15th
- Competitive finishing - 1 step, outside hand (0:40)
- Competitive finishing - bumps + opposite side (0:34)
- Box shooting - 1,2 step in (0:59)
- Box shooting - reverse pivot (1:02)
- Jab + Go (1:32)
- Jab + Attack Opposite (0:40)
- Shot fake + throwdown (1:03)
- Shimmy jab + 1 step layup (0:58)
- Alley 1v1 (0:47)
- Triple threat 1v1 (0:42)
- Academy Plan July 22nd
- Competitive ball handling (CBH) - Cross, cross, between (0:32)
- CBH - accountability (cone touch) (0:35)
- CBH - weight shift (0:47)
- CBH - Between, between, behind (0:22)
- CBH - Behind, behind, backwards between (0:43)
- CBH - Cross or behind, double between (0:21)
- CBH - Same side backwards between, behind (0:23)
- CBH - Jolt cross or jolt between (0:56)
- Shooting - step ins (0:52)
- Shooting - Dribble pull ups (0:49)
- Shooting - Contested Triangle Shooting (1:00)
- Driving & finishing - Cross jab + sweep (1:17)
- Driving & finishing - Cross jab + go (0:33)
- Driving & finishing - Weight shift stutter (1:01)
- Driving & finishing - Stutter throwdown (1:02)
- Live 1 on 1 - Constrained triple threat (1:34)
- Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
- On ball defence coaching (0:41)
- Spin + power finish (1:23)
- Dealing with pressure - spin (1:06)
- Dealing with pressure - Middle jab + sweep (1:10)
- Dealing with pressure - retreat dribble + drop (0:58)
- Dealing with pressure - spin + BTB drag + shot (0:53)
- Dealing with pressure - Spin + BTB drag + foot switch (1:26)
- Shooting - drops (0:40)
- Shooting - turn + wrap (0:52)
- Live 1 on 1 - off turned stance (0:52)
- Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
- Spin + power finish (1:23)
- Spin + step through (0:38)
- Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
- Rip light read - spins (0:50)
- Spin read - Coach using pad (0:37)
- Spin + crossover drag + shot (or on the spot for weaker groups) (1:00)
- Spin + crossover drag + foot switch (1:08)
- Spin + crossover drag + BTL (1:05)
- Rip light read - spin + drag (any dribble move into it) (1:13)
- Retreat dribble + drop (0:58)
- Retreat dribble + drop + BTL (0:39)
- Rip light read - retreat dribble + drop (0:45)
- NL plan AUG 12
- Defensive races (1:31)
- Covering jabs and bumps (1:37)
- Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
- Spin + power finish (1:23)
- Spin + step through (0:38)
- Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
- Rip light read - spins (0:50)
- Spin read - Coach using pad (0:37)
- Slow BTL (1:20)
- Coaching point - SLOW BTL plus SLOW BTL THROUGH (1:16)
- Slow BTL - through into drag and shot (0:54)
- Slow BTL - spin into exchange (0:57)
- Cross through 1v1 (0:52)
- Defensive races (1:31)
- Covering jabs + bumps (1:51)
- Floaters (1:08)
- Split catch + go (0:43)
- Split catch + throwdown (0:59)
- Split catch + shot fake + go/throwdown (0:45)
- 1,2,Relax,Thru (0:50)
- Roll ups (0:42)
- Partner shooting (0:43)
- Partner leans (2:28)
- Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Live 1 on 1 coaching (0:53)
- Academy Plan - Term 3 Week 7
- Partner Drops (0:59)
- Rip Light Pull-Ups (0:51)
- One Dribble Contact Defence (1:08)
- Alley drill + focus points (1:51)
- Hop Steps (1:12)
- Hop Steps (Advanced Progression) (0:23)
- Spin Seal and Go (1:20)
- Spin Seal and Counter (1:02)
- Spin Seal, Go and Drag (0:32)
- Exchange and Spin Seal (Advanced Progression) (1:37)
- Turned Stance off Live Dribble 1v1 (0:56)
- Competitive bumps (0:34)
- Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Live 1 on 1 coaching (0:53)
- Partner shooting (away from ring) (0:43)
- Partner shooting (at ring) (0:45)
- Shooting off a flare - One dribble pull up (0:52)
- Shooting off a flare - shot fake + shot (1:09)
- Shooting off a flare - Throwdown + step back (0:42)
- Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
- Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
- Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
- Retreats (0:56)
- Live 1 on 1 off the hip (1:18)
- Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
- Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
- Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
- Retreats (0:56)
- Live 1 on 1 off the hip (1:18)
- Defence - chase downs (1:31)
- Defence - bumps (1:51)
- Defence - alley drill (1:51)
- Live 1 on 1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Power finishes (0:44)
- Jump stop + step through (0:34)
- Jump stop + step around (0:34)
- Jump stop + reverse pivot (0:33)
- 1:1 off the hip (1:19)
- Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (1:20)
- Shooting - Roll ups (0:42)
- Shooting - speed stops (break down with lifts if you wish) (1:24)
- Defence - Cone cut offs (1:31)
- Defence - bumps (1:51)
- Defence - 1 or 2 dribbles + gate drill (0:51)
- Defence - alley drill (1:51)
- Block 1:1 (0:50)
- Closeout 1:1 (1:04)
- Middle jab + step & sweep (1:10)
- Middle jab + throwdown (0:42)
- Cross jab + spin (0:41)
- 1:1 off triple threat (0:59)
- Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
- Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
- Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Shooting - sway breakdown (0:43)
- Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
- Shooting - Speed stops + scoops (break down with lifts too if you wish) (1:24)
- Shooting - competitive speed stops (0:47)
- Shooting - 1,2 off a turn (0:55)
- Shooting - hops off a turn (1:03)
- Shooting - off a turn (competitive) (0:38)
- Shooting - partner slides (0:58)
- Shooting - partner slides (competitive) (0:47)
- Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
- Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
- Dealing with pressure - Off hand swipe reads (1:24)
- Dealing with pressure - Retreats + go (0:56)
- Dealing with pressure - Retreat dribble + BTL (0:39)
- Competitive bumps - on the spot (0:51)
- Competitive bumps - to the ring (0:34)
- Power finishes (0:44)
- Spin + power finish (1:23)
- Spin + step through (0:38)
- Spin + reverse pivot (0:20)
- Live 1 on 1 - off turned stance (0:52)
- Spin + step around (0:41)
- 1:1 off the hip (0:44)
- Jump stop + step through (0:34)
- Jump stop + step around (0:34)
- Jump stop + reverse pivot (0:33)
- Contact driving option #1 (1:08)
- Contact driving option #2 (0:56)
- Contact driving option #3 (1:08)
- Block 1:1 (0:50)
- 1:1 off the hip (1:19)
- Defence - bumps (1:51)
- Ball handling - competitive off hand rips (0:23)
- Defence - Kobe drill (repeat to guard all players in your group before switching) (1:51)
- Ball handling - competitive off hand rips (0:46)
- 1:1 off a closeout (1:04)
- Change of pace ball handling (4:03)
- Slow dribbling under pressure (1:12)
- Off hand swipes - reads (1:24)
- Retreats (0:56)
- Drag footwork coaching (0:30)
- Drag and Replace (1:01)
- Drag + replace + through (0:44)
- Shooting - 1 position pull in (1:18)
- Shooting - partner leans (balance option) (2:28)
- Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (release option) (1:20)
- Shooting - roll ups (rhythm option) (0:58)
- Rip light ball handling (0:42)
- Foam roller graps - same direction (0:54)
- Foam roller - reactions (0:26)
- Speed stops + lifts (1:18)
- Speed stop + exchange (1:14)
- Speed stop exchange - coaching (0:45)
- Reaction 1 on 1 (0:49)
- 1 step extended finishes (0:20)
- Extended finishes - competitive (0:33)
- Euro step finishes (0:42)
- Live 1:1 against recovering defender (emphasise 1 step or euro read) (0:37)
- Step back / retreat shooting (1:26)
- Tennis ball reactions (1:17)
- Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (1:20)
- Shots off a turn (0:36)
- Shot fake + speed stop (1:15)
- Live 1 on 1 off a close out (1:03)
- Stutter step break down - BTL only (0:56)
- Stutter step break down - BTL + cross (0:33)
- Foam roller reactions - same BTL + cross (1:13)
- Coach reactions - same BTL + cross (1:00)
- BTL + cross + stepback (0:32)
- Live 1 on 1 downhill - BTL + cross read (0:52)
- BH series - pockets (0:31)
- BH series - 1,2 wide cross (0:14)
- BH series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:15)
- BH series - 1,2 Behind (0:24)
- Flow shooting - one hand (0:27)
- Flow shooting - partner slides (0:58)
- Flow shooting - bounds (0:42)
- Flow shooting - misdirections (0:40)
- Contact - loose ball drill (0:52)
- Power finishes (0:44)
- Contact driving - box push + power finish (0:35)
- Contact driving - power finishes 1 on 1 (0:33)
- Finishing - Jump stop + step through (0:34)
- Finishing - Jump stop + step around (0:34)
- Live 1 on 1 - behind the backboard (0:44)
- Live 1 on 1 - defence recovering (1:03)
- Shooting - 1,2,Off,Thru (before session) (0:55)
- Pickups - wide (Adv) (1:05)
- Pickups - hug + react to coach (Adv) (0:40)
- Med ball hit + up & under (Adv) (0:29)
- Competitive finishes - no dribbles, 2 steps (Rec) (0:22)
- Competitive finishes - no dribbles, 1 step (Rec) (1:01)
- Competitive finishes - 1 dribble, 1 step (Inter) (0:56)
- Competitive finishes - BTL, 2 steps (Inter) (0:28)
- Competitive finishes - BTB, inside hand (Inter) (0:46)
- Driving stance - Partner reactions (Rec/Inter) (1:24)
- Driving stance - Cone slides (Rec/Inter) (1:03)
- Driving stance - Cone slides + hand switch (Adv) (0:58)
- Shooting - backpedal (1:09)
- Shooting - hop + turn (1:02)
- King of the hill (0:51)
- Gate drill (0:46)
- Post 1 on 1 (1:44)
- Downhill 1:1 (Rec/Inter) (0:56)
- Downhill 1:2 (Advanced only, instead of 1:1) (1:16)
- Wrap shooting (0:35)
- Speed stops + lifts (1:18)
- Box 1on1 shooting (0:46)
- L competitive shooting (0:37)
- Back pedal partner shooting (0:50)
- Shooting off a flare - shot fake + shot (1:10)
- Shooting off a flare - One dribble pull up (0:52)
- Shooting off a flare - Throwdown + step back (0:42)
- 1on1 off a curl (0:56)
- Downhill - In & out (0:25)
- Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
- Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
- Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
- Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
- Downhill - Cross jab (0:23)
- Cross jab + BTL (0:51)
- Cross jab - read (0:29)
- 1v1 Downhill (0:08)
- Med ball wars - 1 step, outside hand (0:56)
- Med ball wars - 1 step, inside hand (0:32)
- Med ball wars - off two, outside hand (0:21)
- Med ball wars - jump stop, floater (0:34)
- Med ball wars - 1 dribble SS shot (0:54)
- Shooting - thru rip light read competitive (0:40)
- Shooting - thru rip light read (0:50)
- Retreat - drop (1:33)
- Retreat - BTL or cross (0:31)
- Retreat - shot (0:35)
- Retreat - live 1 on 1 (1:45)
- Retreats breakdown - drop + SS behind (0:55)
- Retreats breakdown - punch drag + thru retreat (0:53)
- Retreats breakdown - thru bound + jab hop out (0:43)
- Retreats breakdown - thru bound + jab cross step out (0:51)
- Retreats - SS behind + retreat + drop (1:27)
- Retreats - punch drag + thru retreat (0:56)
- Retreats - thru bound + jab hop out (0:54)
- Retreats - thru bound + jab cross step out (1:18)
- 2v1 curl (2:09)
- 2v1 pop (1:06)
- Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
- Copy of Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
- Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
- Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
- Copy of Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
- Copy of Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
- Power finishes (0:44)
- Step Throughs (0:34)
- Step Arounds (0:34)
- Power finishes 1v1 (0:33)
- Copy of Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
- Copy of Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
- Copy of Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Copy of Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
- Copy of Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
- Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
- SS plus lift (1:18)
- Exchanges (1:14)
- Triangle shooting (1:00)
- in and out (0:25)
- Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
- Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
- Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
- Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
- 1v1 Downhill (0:08)
- Block 1v1 (1:01)
- Elbow 1v1 (1:17)
- Hip 1v1 (0:39)
- Lane 1v1 (0:48)
- Weak hand 1v1 (1:13)
- Rondo Finishes - Hesitation (0:56)
- Rondo Finishes - Step Through (0:44)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 (0:39)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pocket series - 1,2 Behind (0:37)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket (0:31)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Pockets series - 1,2 Pocket, Thru (0:41)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Drops & Split BTL (1:02)
- Copy of Copy of Ball handling - Dribble Step Timing (DST) (1:14)
- Copy of Power finishes (0:44)
- Copy of Step Throughs (0:34)
- Copy of Step Arounds (0:34)
- Copy of Power finishes 1v1 (0:33)
- Copy of Copy of Shooting - One hand flow (0:53)
- Copy of Copy of Shooting - 1,2,Relax,Thru (could do this or off then on) (1:20)
- Copy of Copy of Shooting - Lift drill (0:51)
- Copy of Copy of Shooting - Forwards / backwards hops (2:28)
- Copy of Copy of Live 1 on 1 - Downhill (0:08)
- Copy of Shooting - 3x off hand dribble + scoop OR split BTL + scoop (0:53)
- Copy of SS plus lift (1:18)
- Copy of Exchanges (1:14)
- Copy of Triangle shooting (1:00)
- Copy of in and out (0:25)
- Copy of Cross jab - running into it (0:40)
- Copy of Cross jab - off one dribble (0:33)
- Copy of Cross jab - breakdown on the spot (0:32)
- Copy of Cross jab - 3 crossovers (0:14)
- Copy of 1v1 Downhill (0:08)
- Copy of Block 1v1 (1:01)
- Copy of Elbow 1v1 (1:17)
- Copy of Hip 1v1 (0:39)
- Copy of Lane 1v1 (0:48)
- Copy of Weak hand 1v1 (1:13)
- Copy of Rondo Finishes - Hesitation (0:56)
- Copy of Rondo Finishes - Step Through (0:44)
- Battle Lines (0:51)
- Drop shooting (0:30)
- Misdirection shooting (0:40)
- Wrap Shooting (0:35)
- L competitive shooting (0:37)
- Euros (0:56)
- Spins- (1:05)
- Scissor step (0:35)
- Slow BTL (0:55)
- No limits session plan 16th Dec
- Shooting - Speed stops off the catch (0:46)
- 1 on 1 shooting off screens (1:10)
- Med ball upper snatch (0:47)
- Med ball under snatch (1:17)
- Med ball crossovers with under snatch (0:37)
- Med ball hits + medicine ball swipe (0:54)
- Med ball escapes + medicine ball swipe (0:32)
- Med ball reactions + medicine ball swipe (0:34)
- Medicine ball swipe + tennis ball reactions (1:33)
- Medicine ball swipe + tennis ball reactions (coaching) (0:45)
- 1 on 1 arm swipe (0:54)
- Swing step high pick up (1:01)
- Swing step low pick up (0:49)
- Med ball swing step (0:37)
- Swing step Rip light hand read (1:01)
- Low pick up (0:38)
- Hug pick up (0:46)
- Low hug pick up read (1:13)
- 1 on 2 (1:10)
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